The Education Lady, Jill R. Stevens

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Do This One Thing To Make Finding Students (And Getting Hired) Easy-Peasy

First, let me say that YOU might believe that this image represents YOU in this situation, but guess what?

It doesn't have to be. It shouldn't be. And from this moment on it's simply not.

Read on to learn why.

I hear from wanna-be-tutors all the time, the questions: How do I get hired? How do I find students? How do I get a parent to hire me and pay me money to do math, reading or fill-in-the-blank with their child?

These are all valid questions and shouldn't stop you in your wanna-be-tutoring tracks.

In fact, I'm here to make it S.I.M.P.L.E. because, friend, it is. 

See, the need for an awesome tutor, in whatever subject, is all around you...and growing.

The reason it's growing is another topic for another time but all I need you to do is believe me when I stay this is fact. 

Tutoring is hot.

Tutoring is needed.

Tutoring can be your jam whether your in your 20s, your 30s, your 40s, 50s, 60s, or bless you, your 70s and more!

You don’t need to get bogged down with do I have the right degree? Or spend one more second wondering if people out there even need your tutoring skillset.

I'm here to say they do.

How can I make this blanket statement? 

Simple. I've been tutoring since 2001 and teaching others how to tutor (professionally since 2012). And the need has only grown, at a rate where I can't train enough Rockstar Tutors fast enough!

So, trust me. 

There are students.

And there are parents very willing to pay you.

Finding frustrated parents who either can’t remember math, have no clue how to help their child study or are tired of the never-ending fights that happen over homework every-single-night are eagerly searching for you.

I’m being completely serious.

They not only want you. They desperately need you!

The you who wants to start a successful tutoring business

The you who wants to help raise up the next generation by teaching them skills that go beyond reading, writing and arithmetic...Okay, this is my passion, maybe yours, too, but for now, we can stick with core subjects.

[You can read about my why I tutor here and what I mean by skills that go beyond core subjects.]

The you who wants to earn an extra $500, $1000 or $3,000 per month.

The you who wants freedom to tutor when it works for your schedule.

The you, perhaps, who’s eager to do this tutoring thing all out and create a 6-figure business.

The one thing, the only thing you need to figure out before you start is a four letter word – NEED.

What is the NEED of the parent?

What is the NEED of the student?

It goes something like this.

The student is struggling in math.

The student needs help in math.

The student might be failing math tests.

The student needs to ace a test.

The student also needs help to build (or rebuild) confidence.

I hope you’re catching this, as it’s gold.

The parent wants to help their child succeed as most parents do.

The parent needs help to accomplish this task.

The parent needs relief from the pressure and frustration of not being able to help their child succeed in math.

The parent needs to not feel like he or she is failing their child.

Friend, this is where you come in, pencils blazing.

You replace the need with

  • Knowledge

  • Confidence

  • Relief

  • Results

And guess what? Your role is not just that of tutor… it’s also hero.

You can literally save the day, save the parent’s sanity and save the kids’ failing grade while helping to build confidence and instill a sense of how learning can be fun for that student.

(I can teach you that last part when you're ready.)

How do you discover this need?

Great question.

Start listening. Start eavesdropping. Literally.

You will start to hear parents in the grocery store aisle, at church, on the playground, and in line at the movies.

They will be talking (complaining) about how their child is struggling in math or reading or biology.

They will be agonizing over the fights happening trying to get their child to do homework every day after school.

Start listening.

The need will quite literally present itself.  

And if you already know a need that’s present in your area, get started right now by creating the only advertising item  you will need that will literally cost you under a dollar to produce.

And all the supplies you truly need are probably already in your home!


Tell me in the comments below

What is the need you will fill in your community?

What is the need you have seen that needs someone to fill it?

Remember, learn something today you can share with someone tomorrow.