The Education Lady, Jill R. Stevens

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What Skills Make the Best Tutor?

Recently, I sent out a Scoop email about my mentor and his favorite question - Who Are You Being?

Well, this question resonates in everything I… you… do.

Who we are being determines our doing.

See, if you don’t feel like someone who can be an awesome tutor, you can’t do the job of tutoring.

It will feel fake.

And that’s normal.

If you don’t believe you can tutor, then chances are it won’t come easily to you.

And that’s normal, too.

See, you must stretch outside your comfort zone in order to grow and in order to start being someone new.

Someone who rocks tutoring.

Not that you aren’t perfect as you are because you are, friend. You have all the skills you need to tutor if that’s your desire. And as you are here, reading, I know you have what it takes.

The first thing you need is desire.

And you have that. A desire to learn. A desire to grow. A desire to do - to tutor.

You simply need to tap into it and a few more ways of being in order to rock tutoring.

Here are three to consider.

1. Being Passionate

2. Being a Person Who Desires to Make a Difference

3. Being Teachable

Here’s what I mean by the last, as the first two are pretty simple to comprehend, no?

Being Teachable is understanding that you don’t yet have all the answers.

Being Teachable is knowing that you can relax, listen, absorb and learn from someone who knows just a bit, or a lot more than you, on the subject matter at hand.

Being Teachable is realizing that even if something sounds familiar to you and your first thought is to say “I know this” - don’t. Instead, listen even closer!

Now here’s a caveat.

Being a teacher doesn’t mean you will make the best tutor nor does it mean you won’t.

Teachers can be great tutors just like non-teachers can be great tutors.

So, toss out any limiting beliefs on that subject, that you must have a degree, certification or a job teaching in order to be a great tutor.

And if you want to get your hands on some free trainings, and you're serious about growing a rocking tutoring business check out my audio class on How To Start a Successful & Profitable Tutoring Business.

It just might rock your world!

Is there more to being a tutor than passion, desiring to make a difference and being teachable?

But if you start there, you will be so far ahead of those who don’t.

And when you’re ready you can check out some great resources like how to run a tutoring session, what to say when a parent calls and so much more on this site!

But, why not keep it simple?

Check out that free audio series and be like Mike, Josie and Isabel who after listening enrolled two clients each in less than 24 hours.

How do you like them apples?!

Remember to learn something today that you can share with someone tomorrow.

Share this message and remember the best learning happens in the comments and over on our Facebook page.

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