Why Tutoring

What Skills Make the Best Tutor?

What Skills Make the Best Tutor?

Recently, I sent out a Scoop email about my mentor and his favorite question - Who Are You Being?

Well, this question resonates in everything I… you… do.

Who we are being determines our doing.

See, if you don’t feel like someone who can be an awesome tutor, you can’t do the job of tutoring.

It will feel fake.

And that’s normal.

If you don’t believe you can tutor, then chances are it won’t come easily to you.

[PART 1] What if Education is Back-Ass-Wards?

[PART 1] What if Education is Back-Ass-Wards?

Our educational system is setup to make you or your child fail and I’m here to say it’s outdated and back-ass-ward.

Now, that’s a bold statement, but if you’re a parent reading this and ever felt like you’re in a rat-race of life or spinning on that hamster wheel only to go… nowhere, you need to keep reading.

There’s a reason you can’t seem to “get ahead in life” and feel behind the eight ball, and it has to do with our educational system.

More on you and that in a moment.